Music at Riverside

Praise Band
The Praise Band, which began at Riverside in 2005, leads contemporary music during worship which reflects the current season of our lives as Christians. Through various songs, we are able to unite, encourage and inspire the body of Christ.
Chancel Choir
Our choir is an integral part of worship as they lead the congregation in hymns, sing beautiful anthems and perform special music arrangements all to glorify God. We welcome anyone who would like to join. The Chancel Choirholds rehearsals on Thursday nights at 7:00pm.

Concert Series
Riverside Presbyterian is known as The Music Church in Brevard County. The Dr. Vernon Boushell Concert Series includes several performances from October to June. It was named in honor of the late Dr. Vernon Boushell, who sang in Riverside’s choir and organized performances of classical oratorios .

Specialty Music
Riverside loves to share the gift of music! Each year, we look for unique opportunities to share different genres of music, including talented groups which cover music from James Taylor, Jackson Browne, Glenn Frey, and Carole King.